Ethical Hacking For Beginners (Chapter-4)


cyber security course

Linux Commands(Part-1)

In Ethical Hacking Linux (Kali Linux) is being considered as the most used OS by attackers and cyber security professionals. And The biggest reason is:-

1. It is Open source (In most of the cases you don't have to spend money to buy this OS and most of its applications also you can get free updates as this is open-source. Bugs are being patched as soon as they are spotted because there is not a specific group of developers who work as Linux developers, everyone who has knowledge of Linux development can be developer and as soon as they find any bug they report it and fix it asap. So a wide range of people work here so finding an unpatched bug here is not easy here, and that's why it's considered the most secure/ safest OS as well.

2. Reason 2 is highly customizable, as it is open source it allows the user to see its source code and let them change as per their requirement. Also, most of its applications don’t want root-level permission. So, there is no such security concern here to install any unknown application. And most importantly it’s most of the applications are CLI-based, meaning it shows its user what's going on behind the screen. So the user can see it and if they find anything unusual they can act accordingly.

3. Another reason is its virus-proof. Now, virus-proof doesn't mean that it's not affected virus or Linux virus does not exist. It means It’s not affected by viruses, not as much as windows get. Because executable files do not exist for Linux(.exe) they treat exe as a text file(until you don’t use wine). So if someone tries to hide a payload in an exe and wait for the victim to double click it, in a Linux environment it will not gonna work out. In simple terms most of its application comes as package installer(.tar.gz) or Debian package(.deb). And user can easily check its permission and in most of the cases its install through the terminal(Similar to command prompt) so the user can track each and every step that what's going on behind the screen and if it needs root permission it also inform the user that it needs root permission, by default it does not takes root always We will deep dive into this later on the Linux chapter.

4. And the reason behind Linux virus-proof is Most of the Linux users are computer experts, so they never randomly double click on any unknown file to blow up their pc without knowing what's gonna happen with that file!

So, Linux is not such a complicated OS or you shouldn't have to be a computer expert to use Linux. Anyone can use Linux these days. Because most of its applications are getting user-friendly day by day and getting GUI-based. But you need to know some basic or essential Linux commands to operate it smoothly.

In Ethical hacking, we use Kali Linux which is also a Linux Distribution. But its made for security professionals because it comes with in-built so many useful penetration testing tool and some more modification which comes handy while penetration testing.

Here are some Useful Linux Keyboard shortcuts:-

Basic editing

Ctrl+X -Cut line (empty selection)

Ctrl+C -Copy line (empty selection) Alt+ ↓ / ↑ Move line down/up

Ctrl+Shift+K -Delete line

Ctrl+Enter / Ctrl+Shift+Enter -Insert line below/ above

Ctrl+Shift+\ -Jump to matching bracket

Ctrl+] / Ctrl+[ -Indent/Outdent line Home / End Go to beginning/end of line

Ctrl+ Home / -End Go to beginning/end of file

Ctrl+ ↑ / ↓ -Scroll line up/down Alt+ PgUp / PgDn Scroll page up/down

Ctrl+Shift+ [ / ] -Fold/unfold region

Ctrl+K Ctrl+ [ / ] -Fold/unfold all subregions

Ctrl+K Ctrl+0 / Ctrl+K Ctrl+J -Fold/Unfold all regions

Ctrl+K Ctrl+C -Add line comment

Ctrl+K Ctrl+U -Remove line comment

Ctrl+/ -Toggle line comment

Ctrl+Shift+A -Toggle block comment

Alt+Z -Toggle word wrap

File management

Ctrl+N -New File

Ctrl+O -Open File...

Ctrl+S -Save

Ctrl+Shift+S -Save As...

Ctrl+W -Close

Ctrl+K Ctrl+W -Close All

Ctrl+Shift+T -Reopen closed editor

Ctrl+K -Enter Keep preview mode editor open

Ctrl+Tab -Open next

Ctrl+Shift+Tab -Open previous

Ctrl+K P -Copy path of active file

Ctrl+K R -Reveal active file in Explorer

Ctrl+K O -Show active file in new window/instance


F9 -Toggle breakpoint

F5 -Start / Continue

F11 / Shift+F11 -Step into/out

F10 -Step over

Shift+F5 -Stop

Ctrl+K Ctrl+I -Show hover

In the next chapter, we will discuss more mostly used Linux commands. 

Till then keep exploring and Happy Learning.


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